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ATWORK Coworking Space Is A Co-Working Space With A Unique And Attractive Concept With Affordable Prices So That Individuals or Communities Who Work Online And Start Up Business Developers Can Do They Work Comfortably And Efficiently. “We Are Committed To Build Inspiring Workspaces To Empower Individuals, Social, Creative Communities And Businesses To Reach New Heights Of Success.”
- Plaza Balikpapan (240m)
- Pentacity & E- Walk (2km)
- Kampoeng Pasir (1,5km)
- Dandito (4km)
Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (6km)
Yes, sure you can.
Our private office are currently closed off during public holidays.
All membership plan will give you access to high speed internet connection, free flow beverage, lobby area and opportunity for networking.
You can view the various offers we have including Daily Pass, Dedicated Desk, Team Desk, and Private Office here. Meanwhile, we do provide other means of getting productive with our flexible spaces such as meeting rooms, event hall for seminar and workshop.